Edisi Jawab Exam
ni kisah Jawab Exam bukan Exam SPM / PMR / UPSR / Dip / Degree atau pape saja.. haaaa ini kisah Jawab Exam TAg yg famous di kalangan BLOGGER...W
oohooo dlm lame sgt edisi TAG menge TAG nie di tinggalakn... Oppsss bkn nak tgglkan tapi sbb kebizian diri wat dr nora kdg2 xmampu nk jwb TAG yg di beri..Maaf sgt2 ols my dear if ade TAG dr u ols nora xbuat.. huk huk huk (hamba insan yg lemah) hehehhe..O
k stop it nora!!!! Juz nak bg taw korang nora di TAG oleh ANNA sweet gal yg nora br kenal dan we ol berdua br nak manja2 wt hbgn.. Tetttttt!!! gurauan terlampau pulak.."Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note
with 25 random things, fact, habits, or goal about you.
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
You have to tagged the person who tagged you
If I tag you, its because i want to know more about you."
with 25 random things, fact, habits, or goal about you.
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
You have to tagged the person who tagged you
If I tag you, its because i want to know more about you."
nie nak nora citer 25 perkara/benda tentang NORA.. Woww apakah yg mahu dikongsi yaaa???Tadaaaaaa nie EDISI menjawab soklan yg di beri.. JOM layanzzzzz!!!
ow nk TAG kt orang plak.. siapa yaa jd mangsa seterusnya... Ok nora PM kat shoutmix & shoutbox korang yaaa.. haaa JAGA2 Kita tgk Siapa yg KENA!!!
alaa comeynye nora..jom jalan2..sy pn suke jalan2..heheh sebaya la kite ek...heheh
ReplyDeletetp nora tua lagi kot..heheh
Haidi: hohohoh sebaya ttp sebaya okeh.. tahun pn sme je kan.. xde beza pon.. werkk.. muahaha...
ReplyDeleteohooo jalan2? huhh mmg lah sgt suke sgt.. jom tp ke mne yee?
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